•  WATER :-

Water is a compound, composed of hydrogen and oxygen elements.
Before1776  AD, it was considered is an element. In 1776  AD, JOSEPH PRIESTLY  eperimentally proved that water is not an element but it is a compund of hydrogen and oxygen elements.
Water is transparent,odorless.Tasteless and almost colorless substance. Water is a universal element. Without water we can not live. It covers 70% of earth’s surface. Lakes,rivers.Seas and oceans are made up of water. Water has been present on earth since it earlier time and constantly move around it by the water cycle. Water is very important for life. It is a compound and it’s moleculer formula is H2O. Plants and animals (including people) are mostly water inside, and must drink water to live. It keeps the temperature of the body cool. Water is composed of 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part of oygen by mass.  Water also helps the blood carry oxygen from the lungs to the body. Saliva, which helps animals and people digest food, is mostly water. Water helps make urine. Urine helps remove bad chemicalsfrom the body. It helps to digest food.
1.The human body is between 60% and 70% water.
2.Blood plasma contain 92% water.
3.Muscular tissue contain 80% water.
4.Red blood cells contain 60% water.
       WATER RESERVIOR                                   AMOUNT OF WATER
1.Ocean                                                                   97.2%
2.Glaciers and ice caps                                          2.1%
3.Underround water                                               0.6%
4.Inland water                                                        0.2%
5.Atmospheric water                                              0.001%
