SPINAL CORD

Spinal cord is the Co-ordinating centre in the body. It is the posterior continuation of the brain.
   It is elongated, hollow and cylindrical tube lying in the neural canal of vertebral coloumn.

In cross-section the spinal cord shows two distinct parts; 

  1. An inner butterfly shaped part containing grey matter.
  2. An outer part which is composed of grey matter.


              The functions of spinal cord are

  1. Spinal cord controls refle action below the neck region.
  2. Spinal cord conducts messages from trunk and limbs to the brain for final response.
  3. Spinal cord transmits commands from the brain and controls parts of the body.


  The nerve arising from spinal cord is called spinal nerve.
 There are 32 pairs  of spinal nerve in human biengs.


     The vertebral coloumn protect the spinal cord. It extends from skull to pelvis.
It constitutes back bone wgich allows us to stand erect and also protects spinal cord.
The vertebrall coloumn consist of 33 vertebrae. Seven (7) vertebrae present in the neck are called cervical vertebrae.
12 vertebrae lie in the chest are called thoracic vertebrae
9 vertebrae  present between lower limbs areas are called pelvic vertebrae. Pelvic vertebrae make two sets i.e 
  • Sacrum formed by fusion of anterior 5 vertebrae.
  • Coccys formed by fursion of 4 posterior vertebrae.
5 vertebrae present in the back region called lumbar vertebrae

