group of muscles supplied by a single nerve root
anatomy,the Myotome is the motor equivalent of a dermatome
are separated by myosepta/myocomma i-e
the septum between the adjacent myotomes
Clinical significance:
Gives information about the level in the spine where a
lesion may be present
Muscle weakness
IV disc herination
List of myotomes:
Myotomes of upper and lower extremity are as follows:
C1, C2: Cervical flexion
C3: Cervical lateral flexion
C4: Shoulder elevation
C5: Shoulder abduction
C6: Elbow flexion and wrist extension
C7: Elbow extension and wrist flexion
C8: Thumb extension
T1: Finger abduction
L1, L2: Hip flexion
L3: Knee extension
L4: Ankle dorsiflexion
L5: Big toe extension
S1: Ankle planterfleion/eversion/ hip extension
S2: Knee flexion
S3-S4: Anal wink/perineal reflex or anocutaneous reflex
So it is some important notes about myotome
Any question you can freely ask in comments
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