Basic anatomy made easy

Basic anatomy
In this article we will look at:
·         what is anatomy
·         description in anatomical terms
What is anatomy?
 It is the study of structure and function of the body
Clinical anatomy is the study of the macroscopic structure and function of the body, it is related to the practice of medicine and other health practices
Basic anatomy is the study of the minimal amount of anatomy; it helps in understanding detailed structures and enable one to communicate with colleagues
Descriptive anatomical terms:
The anatomical position:
·         standard position
·         used in anatomy and clinical medicine
·          it is to describe one body part in relation to other
·         The head should be  directed forward with both eyes looking into the distance
·         the body is upright , legs together and should be  directed forward
·         the palms faced forward with the thumbs laterally
The anatomical planes:
1.      • The median sagittal plane :
·          the vertical plane
·         Passing through the midline of the body from the anterior to posterior.
·         Para median or sagittal plane is parallel to median plane  
      2. • Coronal (or frontal) planes:
·           plane perpendicular to the sagittal plane vertically
      3. • Horizontal or transverse plane:
·          lie at right angles to both sagittal and coronal planes

Terms of Position:
Position/ description
Anterior: In front of another structure
Palmer: In describing hand uses instead of anterior
Posterior: Behind another structure
Dorsal: In describing foot uses instead of posterior
Superior: Above another structure
Inferior: Below another structure
Superficial: Closer to the body surface
Deep: Further away from the body
Medial: Closer to median plane
Lateral: Away from median plane
Proximal: Closer to the trunk or origin
Distal: Further away from trunk or origin
Ipsilateral: Same side of the body
Contralateral: Opposite side of the body

Terms of movement:
Various terms are used to describe movements of the body
·         forward movement in  sagittal plane
·         generally reduces angle at the joint
·         exception are the ankle and shoulder joint which increase the angle
·         backward movement in sagittal plane
·         generally increases the angle at the joint
·         exception are ankle and knee joint
·         movement away from the median plane
·         movement toward the median plane
·         lateral rotation of the forearm
·         causing the palm to face anteriorly
·         medial rotation of the forearm
·         causing the forearm to face posteriorly
·         turning the sole of the foot outwards
·         turning the sole of the foot inwards
·         movement of part body around its long axis
·         a combination of flexion , extension abduction and adduction


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